1208 Bay Street #201
Bellingham, WA 98225
Non Profit Org.
Blaine, WA
Permit No. 106
Your support is important to us.
Please renew your membership if it
has expired! And attend our June 8
auction, Hope for a Wild Future.
Columbia Highlands wilderness. © Eric Zamora
"Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. By land is meant all of the
things on, over, or in the earth. Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you
cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left. That is to say, you cannot love game
and hate predators; you cannot conserve the waters and waste the ranges; you cannot
build the forest and mine the farm. The land is one organism. Its parts, like our own parts,
compete with each other and co-operate with each other. The competitions are as much a
part of the inner workings as the co-operations. You can regulate them—cautiously—but
not abolish them." —from the journals of Aldo Leopold