volunteer team leaders are the backbone of the project. Thanks to our returning team
leaders: Joe Kiegel, Brian Booth, David Snair, Thomas Murphy, Kerrie Murphy, Mallory
Clarke, Adam Martin, Michelle M. Peziol, and Kelly Frazee. Welcome and thanks to our
three new team leaders: Jeremy Williams, Chris Russel, and Dan Gusset. We hope to see
you again next year!
Thank you to all of the transect volunteers who participated in this year's fieldwork:
Adrian Rus, Ayako Donofree, Brittany Morgan, Brock Roden, Carleigh Fairchild, Chris
Baily, Chris Russell, Chris Shipway, Cindy Rezaick, Cory Strop, David Froman, Denise
McElhinney, Evan Adkins, Gail Pethe, Gayle Grything, Guthrie Shrenghost, Isaac Leese,
Jenn Coe, Jeremy Weatherly, Johnathan Goff, Justin Scott, Kathryn Hansen, Katie
Remine, Katie Watt, Kerrie Murphy, Kirsten Taeuber, Kyle Dewey, Laurel Baum, Lloyd
Murray, Mark Graham, Maya Shoemaker, Melinda Mast, Mike Donofree, Miranda
Ciotti, Nick Weaver, Russ Gerads, Ryan Hanson, Sam Kaviar, Shannon Gerads, Shannon
Schelindler, Susan Murray, and Tom Porrecca.
Thank you to all the remote camera volunteers who participate in the 2012‐2013 winter
season: Chad Maurer, Tom Porreca, Adrian Rus, Katie Wat, Christie Gatlisky, Ryan
Wallin, Crystal Gartner, Amy Houser, Bruce Williams, Gro Breur, Drew Gaylord, Cathy
Gaylord, Gail Goss, Holly Weiler, Jacob Richardson, Jeffrey Martin, Jim Clark, John
Thomas, Peder Endglestad, Tamara Walker, Susan Murray, and Lloyd Murray.
Financial support for the 2012‐2013 winter program was provided by Washington
Department of Fish and Wildlife's ALEA grant program, The Sustainable Path
Foundation, and the Wilburforce Foundation. We truly appreciate this support to keep
our volunteer teams equipped, trained, and assisted with their travels. Thank you to
SnoValley Coffee (www.snovalleycoffee.com) in Snoqualmie, Washington, and all of
the employees of the store, for housing our field equipment during the winter field
season, providing a meeting location, and appropriately caffeinating our data
CWMP 2012-2013 Winter Field Season Report