order to help reviewers analyze the sample tracks submitted. This supplemental
information reduced the number of tracks deemed "unidentifiable" by reviewers.
According to reviewers, this year—as in the first two field seasons—not a single photo
was misidentified by the tracking teams.
Remote cameras
In 2012‐2013 winter, twelve camera sites were installed and maintained around
Washington: 5 cameras in 2 sites in the I‐90 corridor to detect wildlife use of the newly
constructed Gold Creek wildlife underpasses, three sites in the central Cascades
between I‐90 and Highway 2 to detect the presence of wolverine and collect hair
samples for genetic information, one site in the Wedge in northeast Washington to
detect presence of wolverine, five sites in the central and south Washington Cascades
between Highway two and Highway 12 on the eastside of the crest to detect the
presence of wolves, and one site in the Sherman Pass vicinity of northeast Washington
to detect the presence of lynx. All remote camera sites focused on detecting wolverine
used a monitoring protocol amended to include construction and use of a run pole
station and hair snagging brushes (See Appendix A for photo of wolverine run pole
station). The station dedicated to finding lynx included rub scratch pads to collect hair
samples in addition to photographs.
Specific site locations listed north to south by general geography include Sherman Pass
in the Colville National Forest (lynx), the Wedge in the Kettle River Range (wolverine),
Chiwaukum Mountains in the Okanogan‐Wenatchee National Forest (wolverine),
Johnny Creek near Icicle Creek Canyon (wolverine), Snow Lake in the Alpine Lakes
Wilderness (wolverine), Gold Creek in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness (wolverine), Table
Mountain in the Okanogan‐Wenatchee National Forest (wolf), Gold Creek under
Interstate 90 in the two Gold Creek underpasses (all wildlife), Naneum Canyon in the
Naneum State Forest (wolf), Colockum Wildlife Area (wolf), Bumping Lake in the
Okanogan‐Wenatchee National Forest (wolf), and Mud lake in the Oak Creek Wildlife
Area (wolf).
CWMP 2012-2013 Winter Field Season Report