subfolders for each check date. Example: if there are 2 cameras at Easy Pass (a Trail Watcher and a
Reconyx) create 2 folders "EasyPassTW" and "EasyPassRx". If you have 2 of the same camera type at a
station, name the folders as follows: e.g., "EasyPassTW1" and "EasyPassTW2". Within each of these
folders, create subfolders for each camera visit. The subfolder name should be the dates that go with that
camera check; e.g., Feb9-Feb19. Immediately back up images on a CD, DVD, or another hard drive.
10. Back in the office, immediately make a copy of the data form for each camera station that was
11. Back in the office, immediately make sure any genetic samples that were collected are processed and
mailed according to instructions on the Genetic Sample Data Form (see page 15). This includes using
desiccant to remove any moisture from the samples; do not refrigerate or freeze samples and do not place
them in plastic bags for mailing. Notify CNW staff so that the samples can be mailed as soon as possible
to Keith Aubry or Cathy Raley at the Pacific Northwest Research Station, Olympia, WA. The NCWS's
Genetic Sample Data Form can be used or modified by CNW to record detailed data on each genetic
sample collected by volunteers. If so, please include a copy of the completed form when sending labeled
genetic samples to Keith or Cathy.
Literature cited:
Aubry, K.B., J. Rohrer, C.M. Raley, R.D. Weir, and S. Fitkin. 2012. Wolverine distribution and ecology
in the North Cascades Ecosystem – 2012 Annual Report (November 21, 2012). <
http://wolverinefoundation.org/resources/research-reports/ >
Copeland, J. P., K. S. McKelvey, K. B. Aubry, A. Landa, J. Persson, R. M. Inman, J. Krebs, E. Lofroth,
H. Golden, J. R. Squires, A. Magoun, M. K. Schwartz, J. Wilmot, C. L. Copeland, R. E. Yates, I. Kojola,
and R. May. 2010. The bioclimatic envelope of the wolverine (Gulo gulo): do climatic constraints limit
its geographic distribution? Canadian Journal of Zoology 88:233–246.
Magoun, A. J., C.D. Clinton, M.K. Schwartz, K.L. Pilgrim, R.E. Lowell, P.K. Valkenburg. 2011.
Integrating motion-detection cameras and hair snags for wolverine identification. Journal of Wildlife
Management 75:731-739.