Figure 2. Transects are located downhill from the position of the site. Stations are 100 m apart.
Locate the 1
station at the point indicated by the 2x2 mile grid and locate the remaining stations (n=4)
100 m apart in a straight line and directed downhill from the 1
station. Only place stations in >10% tree
cover (eye level and above). When you encounter natural openings, meadows, new clear-cuts, ponds or
small lakes that exceed 30 m in width while walking transects, do not include the distance across these
open areas as part of the 100 m between transects (Fig 3). For example, stop counting your steps when
you enter an open area, then continue your count when you exit the open area. When you encounter
roads (or other developments) place station on the other side of the road and out-of-sight.