Conservation Northwest


Conservation Northwest protects and connects old-growth forests and other wild areas from the Washington Coast to the British Columbia Rockies, vital to a healthy future for us, our children, and wildlife. Since 1989, Conservation Northwest has worke

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40 1 was at mid-elevation, (table 2). Plot 1 was located on a southern aspect, plots 2 and 3 on northeast through eastern aspects, and plot 4 on a southwestern aspect. Plots 1 and 2 were found with similar slope positioning whereas plots 3 and 4 were located in the lower portions of their respective slopes. Plots 3 and 4 had very little canopy coverage and snow intercept efficiency (SIE). Table 2: Site characteristics of lynx project plots, winter 2015. November's site visit had the coldest temperatures and shallowest snow pack for all stations (table 3). February and March site visits had similarly warm temperatures averaging 4°C. Plot 2 had the deepest snow depth whereas plot 4 had the shallowest snow depth on average. Plots 1 and 3 had similar snow depths throughout the duration of the project.

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