Conservation Northwest


Conservation Northwest protects and connects old-growth forests and other wild areas from the Washington Coast to the British Columbia Rockies, vital to a healthy future for us, our children, and wildlife. Since 1989, Conservation Northwest has worke

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81 Servicing a Remote Camera Trap Instructions for servicing a previously installed camera trap Getting to Camera Site 5. Use the site write-up, maps, written directions, GPS coordinates and photographs of the area taken by the installation crew to locate your cameras. It might be helpful to take a copy of the data sheet from the installation and/or previous visit, which may have useful notes on it. 6. Be on the lookout for tracks, scat, or other wildlife sign on the way to the camera and if encountered, document per Wildlife Sign Documentation Protocol section (below). 7. Look for flagging along the route and near the actual camera location if your team has elected to place it, 8. If you move camera location for any reason be sure to follow all the relevant instructions for creating a new camera trap installation including recording the location on the datasheet you fill out. Basic Overview of Camera Trap Check 7. Upon arriving, walk in front of the camera and trigger the motion sensor. This picture will verify that the camera is working and also serve as a reference if the date/time is incorrect (make sure to record the actual date and time of the check on your data sheet so that we can match against the date/time on the photos when we download them in the office in case there is any malfunction with the camera date/time). If the camera does not trigger, your batteries may already have died or your memory card is full. 8. Unlock the cable lock with your keys to access the camera. 9. Use the technical instructions for the appropriate camera model to replace the batteries and memory card, check/set up all of the camera settings (Links to all models users guides is below and on our website. Hard copies of user manuals are made available to team leaders and stored in the office.). 10. If applicable for your camera trap, apply lure and install bait according to your specific sites instructions (Every site has unique directions, be sure to understand and follow yours). Please remember that a very little amount of lure goes a long ways, and that too much long can deter animals. Their noses are much more powerful than ours. If you are applying bait you will receive specific instructions from our staff and/or advisory council on this. Do not apply bait at your site unless instructed.

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