Field Preparation……………………………………………………………………………...1
Installing a Remote Camera Trap…………………………………………………………...2
Scent lures and imported attractants………………………………………………..5
Setting two remote cameras in the same area……………………………………..6
Servicing a Remote Camera Trap ……………………………………................................6
Considerations for relocating a camera trap………………………………………...8
Remote Camera Data Sheet and Online Photo Submission………………………….......8
CWMP Communications Protocol……………………………………………………11
Wildlife Track and Sign Documentation………………..……………………………………12
Appendix: Track Photo Documentation Guidelines………………………………………..14
Field Preparation
1. Research the target species for your camera, including its habitat preferences, tracks and signs, and
previous sightings in the area you are going.
2. Research your site, consider your access and field conditions. Where will you park? Do you need a
permit to park in this location? What is your hiking route? Call the local ranger district office closest
to your site for information on current field conditions, especially when snow is possible to still be
3. Know your site: familiarize yourself with your location, the purpose of your monitoring, target species,
and site-specific instructions (i.e. scent application, additional protocols).
4. Review this protocol and the species-specific protocol for your camera trap installation, to understand
processes and priorities for the overall program this year.
5. Coordinate with your team leader before conducting your camera check to make sure you receive
any important updates.