Canada lynx: http://www.conservationnw.org/files/lynx_detection_protocol.pdf
General consideration
These are some general considerations for installing a remote camera trap, which apply to
general wildlife monitoring sets and for most applications for species-specific traps.
Location: Find a location where wildlife will most likely pass by – a game trail, a location with
tracks or sign, travel corridors (valleys, river corridors), and/or excellent habitat for your target
species (i.e. dense forested cover for martens). Landscape features that tend to funnel wildlife
movement and areas close to water may be good sites. Place the camera so that it is pointed
toward this area. Avoid sites within 500 m of campsites or human sign, or 250 m of human trails
if possible (this may be difficult for some of the I-90 locations). At a minimum, select a location
out of the line of sight from major trails and/or roads.
Trail Sets: If you are setting up a camera to target a trail, try to aim it at a 45-degree angle to the trail
(instead of shooting up or down the trail, or directly perpendicular to it). A 45-degree angle generally
captures the best images. When setting a trail camera on a road or trail used by humans, in addition to
using a lock box and python lock, consider trying to set the camera below or above head height so it is
less visible. Setting it in a location that doesn't draw attention to it can also help with keeping it concealed
from people.
Lighting: For best results, consider how the light may affect the photos. Shadows and changes
in lighting can trigger the camera. Note that pointing the camera in a north-south direction often
offers the best results.
Visual Obstructions and False Triggers: Look for a clear site or one that you can easily clear
so that the camera's view is not obstructed by branches, leaves, or brush. Plan to use a knife or
saw if needed in forested areas to clear the screen. Be diligent about removing vegetation in the
camera's view, especially from the foreground. This can otherwise produce false triggers
resulting from wind or shadows.
Mounting Instructions: Attach the camera to the mounting tree, above eye level (or at chest
level) and pointed downward toward the trunk of the other tree/feature that you are spreading
lure on. Depending upon the camera model you have, use the laser or test feature (see details
below) and other team members to help aim it at the right location. Consider the size of the