CWMP 2017-2018 Winter Report
Appendix E: Species Priority List
Tracking priority for this study in descending order
Level 1
Wolverine, fisher, Canada lynx, wolf, American marten, grizzly bear, cougar, mountain goat
Level 2
Elk, mule deer, mountain red fox
Level 3
Black Bear, bobcat, coyote, raccoon, river otter, beaver, any other wild mammals larger than a
snowshoe hare encountered in the field
Do Not Record
Snowshoe hare and smaller animals
Level 1 species should be trailed wherever possible. In the case of the top 5 species (wolverine,
fisher, Canada lynx, wolf and American marten), these can be trailed even before a transect is
completed because they are critical rare species. Level 2 species should be trailed in the
absence of Level 1 species, after completing the outward leg of your transect and where time is
available. Level 3 species should only be trailed if there are no Level 1 or Level 2 species
present on the transect.